Every quarter we update our Mobile eCPM Report, where we analyze the eCPM of millions of ad impressions worldwide from +70 Ad Networks, only to provide you with the Latest Trends & Insights into the Mobile Ad Industry.
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With the quarterly Mobile eCPM Report, you can finally watch the evolution of the Mobile Ad Industry in its full depth. Learn how the eCPM has evolved in each Country, Platform & Ad Type.
Optimize your Ad Monetization Strategy, find new audiences, and learn new ways to step up your revenues.
Navigate through the maps, charts, and graphics we’ve prepared for you, along with a summary of the top key insights per each ad format.
Rewarded Video Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games [Update Q4’2021]
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads:
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on iOS: From June to September, the eCPM of mature markets grew by a 10%. On the other side, emerging markets such as China & Brasil hit the brakes a bit until August, when eCPMs got stable.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on Android: eCPMs in mature markets seemed to lower a bit from June to July, but then on August they quickly started to recover, and even suparssing the values from June. Australia, Japan & UK seem to have very similar patterns, while USA kept growing for the rest of the Q3.
- Rewarded Video Ad ECPM on Summer Sales: It’s not uncommon to watch eCPM grow on Q3. During summer, the users are more active, and mobile app & gaming companies tend to increase their marketing budget to get more traction, and increase their monetization.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM + iOS15:Seem that iOS14.5 and iOS15 are a reality now, and companies are starting to accept this new reality. iOS eCPM are still higher than Android. Still, mature markets seem more reliable on Android.
Monthly Evolution of Rewarded Video eCPMs in Mature & Emerging Countries:
Worldwide Charts of eCPM of Rewarded Video Ads:
Full-Screen Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games [Update Q4’2021]
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads:
- Full-Screen eCPM Overview: Summer sales haven’t been as generous with the eCPMs of Full-Screen ads, as they were with Rewarded Ads. Each platform and market present their own patterns, so mobile developers shall focus their attention on each specific segment in order to monetize their apps and games.
- Full-screen eCPM on iOS: eCPM in interstitials & full-screen ads have got a big blow, if you compare it with the previous years. iOS14.5 has taken a toll on these ad formats, and we can see that some top markets, such as USA, UK, Australia and even emerging markets such as Russia and Brazil have lower eCPMs compared with Android.
- Full-Screen eCPM in Android: Emerging markets have had a stable third quarter of 2021 and don’t present fluctuations between months. We can’t say the same with mature markets though. The summer sales of this 2021 hasn’t been that spectacular compared with other years, and eCPM in full-screen ads have been lower compared to the surrounding months.
- Full-Screen eCPM in September:There’s light at the end of the tunnel. eCPM for full-screen ads have increased a lot in most mature markets, compared with their previous months. This may turn up into higher revenues for those who haven’t been neglecting their ad monetization strategy during this summer. It’s time to optimize your ad units!
Monthly Evolution of Full-Screen eCPMs in Mature & Emerging Countries:
Worldwide Charts of eCPM of Full-Screen & Interstitial Ads:
Banner Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games [Update Q4’2021]
Key Insights of Banner Ads:
- Banner eCPM on iOS: eCPM seem to have suffered quite a big blow on markets such as USA & Australia. It’s outsanding to see how Russia is providing eCPM bigger than some established markets. The rest of the emerging markets, though, haven’t had the same luck.
- Banner eCPM Android: eCPMs in mature markets seem to follow a similar trend, being USA the one that has been most affected by it. Russia, in this case, haven’t had the same raise compared with iOS, but still provided stable eCPMs. Japan, UK and India, though, had a notable growth.
Monthly Evolution of Banner eCPMs in Mature & Emerging Countries:
Worldwide Charts of eCPM of Banner Ads:
About the Data Source of the Mobile eCPM Report
It’s easy to talk about bringing transparency into the nebulous mobile ad world. But in general, it’s always better to show than tell.
Appodeal Growth Platform, among other services, helps mobile app publishers and developers monetize their apps by making over 70 ad demand sources compete for each ad impression.
Our algorithm then evaluates all of the ad bids and serves the ad of the highest ad bid.
The Mobile eCPM Report represents the average eCPMs from billions of ad impressions served during the analyzed period, for each of the countries around the world in which we have significant impressions data. It focuses primarily on our top 3 ad formats (rewarded videos, full-screen ads, and banner ads), broken down by iOS and Android.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Reporting Q2’2021
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on iOS: We can observe a notable rise in the eCPM during April, and it gets pretty much stable through the second quarter of 2021.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on Android: In some mature countries, eCPMs are as high as on iOS. Some even higher. It is possible that iOS 14.5 and the new user-privacy policies may have caused some redistribution on the marketing budgets of some companies.
- Rewarded Video Ad ECPM on June: In both platforms, most markets show a small decrease. This is a common trend in the mobile ad industry. Some app & gaming companies have been optimizing their marketing budget and A/B testing ads to be ready for the summer sales.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM in Emerging Markets:Brazil stands out for its strong eCPM fluctuations. The country seems to have settled as a place to soft-launch apps and it’s getting more attention.
- Rewarded video Ad eCPM in China: The Asian country is keeping its ground on iOS. After the strong fall we saw in December 2020, seems that it is slowly recovering, and we may expect another raise in the following months.
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Full-Screen eCPM Overview: Similar to the Rewarded Video Ads, we can see a common trend of mobile businesses optimizing their eCPMs in June. There may be a correlation between the decrease on iOS vs. the increase on Android, and how it is parallel to the release of iOS 14.5.
- Full-screen eCPM on iOS: All the mature countries seem to fall down in the last half quarter. Emerging markets such as Brazil and Russia get better eCPMs. App publishers seem to bet for alternative markets on the iOS platform.
- Full-Screen eCPM in Android: English speaking markets (such as USA, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland) have kept growing since the last quarter, and have established on the Top-10. Also, emerging countries have claimed up too and we may expect that their eCPMs keep increasing for the next quarter.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM Android: eCPMs on Android seem to follow a very similar trend: a stable start and a high bump at the end of the quarter.
- Banner eCPM on iOS: However, on iOS things are way more complex. Emerging countries rise, mature markets tend to fall. China falls up to 50% its price. We recommend you check the market your app is focused, and tweak your monetization accordingly.
- Banner eCPM in the US: It is quite remarkable the trend in the USA. In both platforms, we observe a positive growth on the eCPM, and the trend seems to point out that it will keep its trajectory. You can expect high eCPMs from this market for your mobile apps and games.
- Banner eCPM in Russia: Another remarkable country where we can appreciate a high rise in the eCPMs. iOS seems to present an interesting opportunity for RU/CIS-based apps and games.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Reporting Q1’2021
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on iOS: It is not unusual to see a fall on the eCPM right after the holiday season. On iOS we can see that, compared to previous December, the trend tends to fall a bit, on some markets, being the USA the one that suffered the most in February. However, by March eCPM seems to stabilize again.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM on Android: The previous trend for Rewarded Video Ads on iOS is not as noticeable in Android. Australia falls from $11 to $9.41 in two months, but then in March raises up even higher than December. The USA and UK seem to grow compared to the last quarter of 2020, which can be understood by the political and socio-economic environment of those countries.
- Rewarded Video Ad eCPM in Emerging Markets:Brazil, India, Russia have a recess after the Christmas holiday, but by March they get almost completely recovered.
- Rewarded video Ad eCPM in China: The most severe eCPM trend is in China, the iOS platform. From December 2020 to March 2021, it falls 45% of its starting point. The curve smooths in the later months, so we may expect to raise back again in Q2 2021.
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Full-Screen eCPM overview: Again, the drop of eCPMs after Christmas is quite notable on Full-Screen ads in mature countries for both iOS and Android platforms. Still, some of them such as Japan, the UK, and Australia, by March are higher than what they were in December.
- Full-screen eCPM on iOS: in the USA the drop of eCPM seems to need a bit more time to go climb up. Australia seems quite stable. China has a similar decreasing pattern to what we saw on the rewarded video ads. On Android, the pattern of most mature countries is to stabilize during Q1 2021, and even climb higher compared to December.
- Full-Screen eCPM in Emerging Countries: Russian eCPM on iOS seems stable. Brazil eCPM declines a bit during the first half of Q1 2021, only to stabilize in the second half. On Android, India and Brazil eCPM grow compared to the previous quarter, while Russia keeps a steady recovery after the small drop in January.
- Full-Screen eCPM in Mature Countries: English speaking markets (such as Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden) have climbed up positions in the TOP-20 eCPM chart, and have increased by 20% to 50% their eCPMs. Apps & Games that optimized their ad monetization strategy on those countries may have seen a revenue increase.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM Overall: The banner eCPM on mobile devices has fallen between 10% to 20% compared to the previous quarter. Again, this trend is common in the mobile ad industry.
- Banner eCPM on iOS: The eCPM trend of the USA is similar to full-screen ads. Australia and Japan seem to quickly recover from the eCPM drop after Christmas, while China falls way lower, only to stabilize in March.
- Banner eCPM in UK: On iOS, the UK had a tremendous drop in the banner eCPM since December. The swifts in the political situation in the country may be the reason for that. Still, that decline is not that pronounced on Android.
- Banner eCPM Historic: On a footnote, trying to compare this Q1’2021 with the previous Q1’2020 may be misleading, since half of the world is not under a COVID-19 lockdown. Also, the whole industry is moving more and more to full-screen (video & interstitial) and rewarded ads, making banners less competitive.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Reporting Q4’2020
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on iOS: On iOS, the mature markets have seen strong eCPMs in the Rewarded Video Ad formats up until November. Then, as we get closer to Christmas, the eCPM tends to lower down, being the USA market the one with the highest impact. USA Markets is still way ahead on the charts, with an eCPM over 70% higher than the second place, Australia.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on Android: Something similar happens on Android. The eCPMs of Rewarded Video Ads seems to fall a bit in December on English-speaking markets. Japan shows an increase during that time though. Australia has gotten in the first position, closely followed by the USA.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPMs by Markets: Emerging Markets on iOS & Android eCPMs seem a bit more stable. While on iOS there’s a slight decrease of eCPM during December, on Android the trend tends to raise. It is also remarkable to find so many Asiatic countries in the top-10 charts, such as Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, China, or South Korea, for both iOS & Android platforms.
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Interstitial eCPM on iOS: The USA still maintains the Top-1 position for the eCPM in Full-Screen Ads, and it is still way ahead of the other markets such as Australia, Canada, UK, Japan & China. It is remarkable to see how China has higher eCPMs than the UK on iOS. In December, eCPMs are even higher than in Australia.
- Interstitial eCPM on Android: eCPMs seems to have a growing pattern. They gain strength in November and keep pulling up in the charts in December in most of the Top Markets.
- Interstitial eCPM by Markets: Mature markets seem to raise during November. Not until we arrive in late December, the eCPMs start to fall down in some countries such as the UK or Australia.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM on iOS: Notice the extreme growth of the eCPM in the UK, having in December almost an x2 increase of October. It is very unusual to see that the UK has the same eCPM in iOS banners as the USA.
- Banner eCPM on Android: The USA still maintains the top position compared to the rest of the countries. The top-10 markets for banner eCPM are mostly from Europe or English-speaking regions.
- Banner eCPM on Mature Markets: Mature markets seem to follow their own trend in both iOS and Android. While the USA has to be closely followed to establish a proper strategy, Australia seems to almost replicate their eCPM on both platforms, making it easier to approach.
- Banner eCPM on Emerging Markets: Emerging markets seem more stable on both Android and iOS. While they fluctuate a bit and, in some cases, they even peak in December, it allows a more relaxed approach for those developers who want to monetize on those markets.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Report in Q3’2020
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on iOS: In most mature markets, eCPM has decreased during the summer holidays. However, in September, we watch a recovery with the start of the new working year in most of them, except Japan.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on Android: eCPMs in the USA have gone in the opposite direction during summer, and in September they kept growing. Most of the mature markets have seen their eCPMs grow too during the last month of Q3.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPMs by Markets: The eCPM’s of Rewarded Videos in Russia & Brazil didn’t fluctuate that much on both iOS & Android. Oceania & South Asia are growing and getting settled on the Top Charts. Australia’s eCPMs are steadily increasing, and other countries such as New Zealand, Singapore are in higher positions.
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Interstitial eCPM on iOS: On iOS, the Full-Screen eCPM’s haven’t grown that much for mature countries, except for Australia & UK. From June to September, they both grew almost 30% and 25%, respectively.
- Interstitial eCPM on Android: USA, UK & Australia eCPMs on Full-Screen Ads have grown almost 25% from June to September on Android.
- Interstitial eCPMs by MarketsIn mature markets, during this 2020 summer, the eCPMs of full-screen ads, such as static and video interstitials, have been growing steadily. In Emerging Markets, the eCPM have grown too, between 20-30% on both iOS and Android.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM on Mature Markets: From June to September, USA & UK eCPMs on banners have grown almost 23% on iOS & 18% on Android, being the two mature markets with significant growth above all.
- Banner eCPM on Emerging Markets: On the global maps, we can see eCPM increases in the south of Africa and South America. These trends may indicate new opportunities for developers and publishers willing to expand to new markets. Brazil eCPMs also experienced a significant increase during July & August on iOS, but in September, they fell up to 5% compared to June.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Report in Q2’2020
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on iOS: The U.S. remained the highest eCPM country, followed by Japan and Australia. Both Russia and Brazil saw their eCPMs stabilized in Q2 2020. The U.K.’s eCPMs dropped in May to $9.04 after a slight trend up from the previous three months. Both Russia and Brazil stabilized after decreasing during the previous three months and even started trending back up.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on Android: The U.S. was the highest eCPM country, followed closely by Australia. Brazil saw its eCPMs stabilize as they decreased just slightly. The U.S. saw its eCPMs increasing in May to $10.59. The U.K., unlike the other countries, saw its eCPMs decreased quite significantly. Japan’s eCPMs showed a healthy increase. Russia also saw its eCPMs increasing back.
Click to view the eCPM charts of April & May of Rewarded Video Ads eCPM
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Interstitial eCPM on iOS: The U.S. remained the highest eCPM country, followed by Japan and Australia. Both Russia and Brazil saw their eCPMs stabilized. In the U.S. eCPM bounced back up to $10.01 in May, a high compared to the previous three months. The U.K.’s eCPMs climbed back up to $4.05 in May after reaching a low of $3.88 in April. Japan’s eCPMs remained flat at $6.53 in May and in April.
- Interstitial eCPM on Android: The U.S. again, was the highest eCPM country, followed by Australia and Switzerland. The U.S. saw its eCPMs actually increasing in May, a high compared to the previous three months. The U.K. also saw its eCPMs increase, after hitting a low of $2.94 in April. Japan’s eCPMs started trending back up, after going down for the three months prior. Brazil and Russia also saw its eCPMs increasing back.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM on iOS & Android: The U.S. was the highest eCPM country, followed by Japan and Australia. May’s eCPMs in the U.S. and Japan saw their eCPMs’ decrease decelerate a bit, compared to the more noticeable drop back in April. The U.K. and Brazil both continued to see their eCPMs decrease in May but the drop was not as steep compared to April’s. Russia saw its eCPMs staying steady, after decreasing for the three months prior.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Report during Early Covid
Overall Analysis of eCPM during Early Covid
There is a correlation between when a country went into lockdown and a higher number of active users and the number of ad impressions delivered. Countries that started imposing nation-wide lockdowns did see a strong overall increase in ad impressions being served. However, the ad impressions increased were not consistent across all apps.
Analyzing samples of gaming apps over several months, some apps showed notable ad impressions increase while others remained the same. The countries that were able to increase ad impressions by acquiring or reactivating their users, in general, gained net ad revenue, despite eCPM decreasing in some markets.
Key Insights by Ad Types
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM: The average eCPMs of rewarded video ads were mixed and relatively stable compared to the other ad formats. Many countries affected by the crisis like Russia, France, Spain, Turkey, Germany, the U.K., and others saw their eCPMs decrease by up to $0.50.
- Interstitial eCPM: On the other hand, full-screen ads saw their eCPMs trending down in April on both iOS and Android.
- Banner eCPM: Banner ads showed the most notable eCPM decrease compared to the other formats on iOS and Android.
Key Insights by Markets
China, which started the lockdown earlier in February, saw its eCPM drop drastically. Even as their lockdown eased up in March, their eCPM continued to drop in March.
Other countries that started lockdowns in March did not show a consistent eCPM change. In Italy, they went down but in other countries, like Spain and the U.S., they actually went up.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Report in Q1’2020
Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on iOS: China becomes the 2nd highest eCPM country. Chinese New Year in January likely added to the eCPM spike that month, while the coronavirus crisis in February likely contributed to the sharp drop. As one might expect though, the ad impressions served spiked significantly in China in February as people were quarantined indoors with lots of time to spare. The U.S. remained on top with $14.59 eCPM, a slight decrease from January ($15.37).
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on Android: Australia remained in 1st place with $11.57 eCPM. While Japan and the U.S. swapped places, with the U.S. at 2nd with $10.19 eCPM and Japan 3rd with $9.40 in February. Interestingly, Australia is one, if not the only, country among the top-earning ones with eCPM being higher on Android than iOS.
Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads
- Interstitial eCPM on iOS: the U.S. also remained on top with $9.56 eCPM in February (was $9.30 in January). Most countries did not see their eCPMs deviate by more than $0.50 since January, with the notable exception of China, which decreased to $4.91 eCPM (from $6.39 in January).
- Interstitial eCPM on Android: Japan, January’s top eCPM country, dropped to 2nd with $6.09 eCPM in February (was $6.64 in January). The U.S. took the top spot with $6.24 eCPM. Most of the top-earning countries showed no significant eCPM changes since January.
Key Insights of Banner Ads
- Banner eCPM on iOS: Australia came in 1st with $0.61 eCPM, followed by China at $0.56 and the U.S. at $0.51.
- Banner eCPM on Android: Tthe U.S. took the top spot with $0.42 eCPM, followed by Australia at $0.40, and Switzerland at $0.40.
Historic of Mobile eCPM Report in Q4’2019
Key Insights
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on iOS: The U.S. topped rewarded videos’ eCPMs with $15.37 on iOS. Many East Asian markets dominated the top 10 highest eCPM list, with China at second place with eCPMs of $13.15.
- Rewarded Video Ads eCPM on Android: Australia and Japan actually came out on top with eCPMs of $11.13 and $10.31 respectively.
- Interstitial eCPM on iOS: The U.S. was also on top with eCPMs of $9.30, more than doubling United Kingdom’s, Europe’s highest performing country.
- Interstitial eCPM on Android: Japan and Australia came out on top with eCPMs of $6.64 and $6.16 respectively.
- Banner eCPM on iOS: China came in first place with eCPMs of $0.57, followed by Australia at $0.52 and the U.S. at $0.51.
- Banner eCPM on Android: Denmark surprisingly took first place with eCPMs of $0.42, followed by Australia at $0.39 and Switzerland at $0.39.